Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Chong Hock Temple: Another Gone Heritage

Amah, "grandma" in the Fookien tongue, is what I grew up calling my grandmother. I love her very much. She passed away last 2009 and I miss her still. Yearly, I would visit her together with her younger sister, my grand aunt. Her ashes rest with my grandfather's in the uppermost floor of the columbary building in the Manila Chinese Cemetery. In the shadows of that building stands Chong Hock Temple.

Chong Hock Temple (宗福堂)  is [or now, "was"] one of the remaining pre-war structures in Manila. It predates the Republic. It's the oldest Chinese Temple in Manila.

I got the blessed opportunity to behold her beauty and glory only last October 2014. I entered it and accompanied my grandaunt to see its interior. The Catholic images behind the golden buddha really struck me with awe. After silent prayer, I took out my camera and started clicking. Little did I knew then that it would be the first and last.

The ruins. Photo from Arquitectura Manila Facebook

Last March 15, the management in charge with the temple had it demolished due to termite infestation and structural risks. Though there are plans of reconstructing, we can only, and we should pray that the images be safe from being sold to collectors and that the reconstruction would be faithful to the original.

Also see:

Here are some of the photos I took last year:

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