Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cardinal Chito: We are an Easter People

Being employed in the Archdiocese of Manila, we are privileged to have our yearly "date" with Cardinal Chito on Easter Mondays. We would attend mass and have breakfast together with parish employees followed by a raffle. A time to to have fun after a busy Holy Week.

Cardinal Chito shared in his homily that we are an "Easter People". We should be images of the Risen Christ. We must share the good news of the Resurrection. As church workers, we should be examples of the resurrection. In whatever service we do, whether in a ministry or in the parish office, we should always be lively and positive. Even if we encounter different kinds of people in our service, we should and we must be reflections of Jesus, who died but rose again. That is the faith we profess. Let's live it. Let's share it.

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